Ok so to those of you who have tuned in, yes Tiffany got married and yes I have pictures. Lots of them to be exact. I am currently in the process of editing some, to make them look as spectacular as possible before she returns from her honeymoon in Jamaica. As far as distribution of the pictures is concerned, there are two ways that I am going to manage this.
- Is by zipping them all up so that everyone/anyone can download them <--huge files
- Is to getting mailing addresses for those who would like them on a CD/DVD
Once the bride and groom return I will give more information but for now please take the time to look at my previous post for previews and stay tuned. The contact form for option 2 will be up soon and the links to download the pictures via ftp will be up even sooner.
Thanks for your patience
View a few Pictures HERE!…Oh here’s one more
This is Tiff’s Aunt Lisa and I wanted to let you know you did a fabulous job on the pictures I’ve seen so far and can’t wait until I see the rest.
Well…………This is caleb *looks around on web page and at the pics* i know that wedding yes i was there lol suprises no one actually tripped nor fell…………but as far as these pics for good job man actually i cant wait to see the video footage you took as well
J…..pretty please post more. I am dying to see these pics of my own wedding!