Month: January 2008
Email doesn't work?
I recently visited one of my favorites sites for e-marketers and ran across and article entitled; “Why email marketing doesn’t work!” My first reaction was to jump on the defensive, because as an email marketing professional, I take great offense to such an absurd statement. After realizing that the article was merely a plug for … [Read more…]
At A Glance:
One of the founders of Gooruze, a social network for eMarketers, recently wrote a compelling and educational article on some of the things to consider when preparing for a product launch.
Happy New Year
It comes rather late, but Happy New Year. I hope things are great in ’08. -Justin
At 30,000 Feet: Set your own benchmarks
As you begin your new year, you have probably spent a very large amount of time on planning your online marketing mix. You have started to look at new technologies and maybe even new ways to showcase and inform people about your product or business. Well I just want to share a bit of advise … [Read more…]