Recently I’ve been approached by a few close friends requesting advice and insight into how to tap into their passions and strike while the irons hot! It is clear to them, and many others, that now is a perfect time to; start a new business, develop a concept, write a book or simply learn new things. Though the search for success in such troubling times seems to be a trending issue, I’ve simplified this pattern down to one things. People are simply searching for themselves and through finding themselves hope to discover true happiness. Now I’m sure we’ve all had moments where we’ve wanted more, prayed hard for it and wished even harder but most are not sure of where to start. Well I want to share with you what I believe to be the very first step to discovering yourself, finding that new job or simply pursuing your passion.
The first step to rediscovering yourself is to move yourself out of the way and just dream. Don’t focus on your limitations, rather focus on envisioning how you want to impact the World. This means you don’t have to know how to build a social network to grow an online community, or how to cook to write a cook book. Yes you should focus on something that you’re passionate about but you don’t necessarily have to be the one to do it all. Some of the best entrepreneurs know how to own and run a business, but not necessarily how to do every function of that business. Donald Trump owns multi-million dollar properties but likely doesn’t know how to design skyscrapers. What Mr. Trump does do well is buy, own and manage real estate. He takes risk confidently and believes that the opportunity for his success is dependent on his vision not his personal ability to draw building schematics. He is not concerned about the how, he dreams first and works to execute on the specifics after his vision is complete.
Don’t believe such an abstract methodology can work for you? Well try this; Think about where Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey or even Steve Jobs would be if they were forced to execute on every facet of their respective businesses. Oprah likely doesn’t know how to operate the latest motion picture camera, yet she produces movies. Donald Trump likely doesn’t own a personal sewing machine, yet he markets and sells a line of designer ties. The point I’m getting at is remove yourself from the equation and focus on the dream without the proverbial glass ceiling.
I can go on and on but I think I’ve said enough. What do you think? Can you get out of your own way so that you can discover the path to true happiness? Can you dream without focusing on your personal, often times least insignificant, short-comings? How will you rediscover yourself? What will the World remember you for?
Hmm…I think i’ll give it a try. I’ve definitely been in my own way since finishing school. I’ve been focused on worrying about whats next and how certain things seem too big to accomplish instead of trying to find the way to accomplish it despite its size.
I dare you! « Justin Dawkins
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