This isn’t my style, and to be honest I haven’t put much thought into this post but I think it’s time to see who is willing to take steps outside of the comfort zone and do something that is; often times stressful, completely uncomfortable, built on passion and faith, and filled with risk. I dare YOU to start a business.
Now you may be saying; “Justin that’s easier said than done,” or “I’m not the entrepreneur type.” Well starting a business is easier said that done but everyone has a bit of entrepreneurship in them so to me this dare isn’t a stretch. No, I’m not daring you just because I can. I’m doing this out of love of business and due to the fact that we’re not getting any younger. Now I’m not saying we can’t take similar business risk when we’re older, it just becomes more difficult. So if you’re ever going to do it, why not now? Besides do you think the punch-clock promise is going to set you on the path of true wealth? It is possible but the odds are against you.
Still not sure how to start one or what to start? Well I would say search your soul and find a way to share your passion with the World. Don’t worry about your limitations and don’t worry about how you’re going to get it off the ground. Focus on the business concept, polish it, think about it some more and just when you are the most apprehensive go after your first sale, put yourself out there and see what happens.
I can understand your hesitation and believe me, I too was apprehensive but the rewards far outweigh the negative consequences associated with owning a business. After all if it fails you can always go back to doing what you were doing before. For those without a job and looking hard, why not devote a hour or two to your new business. It can’t hurt and you simply never know.
Again this is a dare made in love and I’ll end it with a quote from girlfriends aunt. It sums up the attitude of many entrepreneurs in one short statement.
The day I went in business for myself, is the day I stopped getting fired.
Peace, Love, and Happiness,
P.S. If you come up with something please share it with me. I’d love to hear about it!
loved the entry.