Ok, I’m just going to put it out there! Writing for a personal blog, consistently, is likely one of the most challenging task of my online life. Between my to-do list, ongoing projects, staying connected with friends and family and answering email, I rarely have the time needed to consistently produce quality content for my blog. Add in the fact that it’s hard to come up with topics and my blog is often a content disaster. Though the first set of excuses are completely on me, there is a solution to the second on. Enter Skribit. At its core Skribit is a tool that enables you to take suggestions for your blog or website and manage those recommendations in one spot. It also lets you see what the rest of the web is planning to write about, keeping you abreast of trending topics and possibly inspiring your next blog post. Now there are quite a few other features that make Skribit great but I’ll leave that up to the tour. Now the site does a great job of revealing its features but I didn’t want miss the opportunity to tell you why I use Skribit!
5 Reasons Why I Use Skribit
- It’s really helpful– Though I only have a few hundred unique visitors per month, the suggestion box seems to be a place for the “regulars” to voice their opinions about what I should write about next.
- Easy to use – I literally installed the Skribit widget in about 30 seconds. Once I did, I immediately shared it with friends and family to see if there was anything I should write about (since I cover such a wide range of topics). Another idea is to add a link to your Skribit blog profile into the signature of your emails and/or email marketing messages.
- Flexible – I imagine that the team over at Skribit’s initial idea was for bloggers, but the service can really be used for just about anything. In just a few minutes you can integrate it on websites, Facebook profiles (tricky but doable), corporate blogs or any other site you may create original content for. I suppose it’s up to you.
- The team – Paul Stamatiou, Lance and the rest of the Skribit team are great people. Lance has given me quite a few pointers on a couple of my startups and Paul is just a good guy to know in the Atlanta (always in the know).
- It’s an Atlanta startup – Skribit is an Atlanta based startup and is one of a handful of startups still in active development from Atlanta’s Startup Weekend. Though I believe you can build a great startup anywhere, I do believe in supporting Atlanta based startups, so if not for the other 4 reasons I would support them because they’re based in Atlanta alone.
Well have you signed up yet? If not check it out and let me know your thoughts. Oh and feel free to suggest something… my Skribit widget is located on the left.