Say hello to Goodie Hack

Often times people ask me about the work I do. More specifically I’m asked; “How long does it take to learn how to code?” or “How do you find the time to help others and build a business?” Well I still don’t have answers to those questions (because I really don’t know), but in hopes of using my technical abilities to make an impact I’m very proud to announce Goodie Hack!

Goodie HackGoodie Hack, organized by sf35 and Black Founders, is a time for developers, entrepreneurs, professionals, educators, and purpose-driven leaders to come together to create new and unique applications for under-served communities and the organizations that support them.

We need technical AND non-technical brains during this “idea-thon” for social good! Please join me, and the rest of the sf35 entrepreneurial family, on March 1st. Visit for details and to signup.

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