Happy Thanksgiving

Hello family, friends and readers. I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how thankful I am for all of you. This year has been really exciting and I look forward tithe remainder of the year. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving, and didn’t eat too much. Let me know how your … [Read more…]

Headed to New Orleans

What up family! I just wanted to let everyone know that I am headed to New Orleans for the weekend. I plan to take as many pictures as possible while I’m there. Hopefully I can get a “State of Katrina” on film, and share with you what I see. The reason I’m headed there is … [Read more…]

Fresh ideas for eMarketing

If you are reading this article you are probably reading this article because of the rather absurd title, or maybe out of curiosity. You may be asking yourself, “This must be the first chapter of a book, because this can’t be answered on a blog.” Well that is partially true, this topic can’t be answered … [Read more…]

7 Days and Counting

Well for those of you who don’t know, there are just 7 days till my 25th birthday. I’m a looked freaked, just because of all the hype… I think, but I am also excited. I’m excited to see what God will bring to my life over the next year. He has already done so much … [Read more…]