7 Days and Counting

Well for those of you who don’t know, there are just 7 days till my 25th birthday. I’m a looked freaked, just because of all the hype… I think, but I am also excited. I’m excited to see what God will bring to my life over the next year. He has already done so much … [Read more…]

A new look!

Hey family, and anyone who else checks out my site. I just wanted to say hello, and let you know that I have taken a few minutes to change the site a little bit. I am not sure of how long it will be around, but it will be here for the next few months. … [Read more…]

Going Mobile

What up everyone! I just wanted to say happy new year to everyone and to look forward to some exciting things in the new year! Going mobile! Yes I will be mobile and posting mobile! As a matter of fact this post was created using my new Pearl! Anyway keep in touch and I’ll check … [Read more…]

The Winter Check-In

Hello everyone I hope that you are all keeping warm, and with temperatures staying as warm as they have been the past few days, I don’t think that will be a problem. OK ok ok, so I apologize for not posting more often, and keeping in touch with me and what’s going on. However, the … [Read more…]

Slip of the Tongue

I just wanted to share this with you. It is one of my favorite “short films.” Having 3 sisters affords me the opportunity to really care about how woman, both young and old, portray themselves, and their cultural identity. Enjoy! </p> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQZwZVBDAHI Let me know what you think!

My 24th!!

Well if you don’t know me, which I admit most of you probably do, you will know that my birthday was a couple of days ago! I must say that it was a wonderful weekend. Not to over done, just mostly spent time with those I care about, which is often times enough for me. … [Read more…]

Half a Decade!

Wow it has been 5 years! Kind of hard to believe, but I would like to take this opportunity to let all of you know that I love and care for you deeply. I thank God for you daily, and I employ you all to extend your, minds, bodies, and souls unto a greater purpose, … [Read more…]